Registration for the partner programme
Join our partner programme
Possibility to collect parking ”on invoice”
Invoicing once per month
Repayment period 10 days
Discounts available for selected zones
Are you a regular Parkingcard customer with a monthly subscription of more than CZK 2,500?
In case you choose to become our partner, we will create for you a unique PROMO code, which you or your employees will be able to to collect parking permits without the need for a payment card. Orders also are sent to the control email of the manager you choose. Once a month we will send you a statement and invoice.
Ve Smečkách 1767/7, Nové Město, 110 00 Praha 1
IČ 08585539
DIČ CZ08585539
Copyright HREBÁK GROUP, s.r.o. 2023.
Praha 1 110 00. Spisová značka: C 321489 vedená u Městského soudu v Praze